Hiking with the District |
Well this week we spent a ton of time doing service! Monday we went adventuring again and found a sketchy cave that we decided to venture into! We also were soaked to the bone and got sooo muddy. Than there was this sweet waterfall too that we all wanted to play in but did not haha. After our little adventure we went and changed and went over to the Poulin's. We arrived quite late so they had already eaten and they watched us eat. You know I've never been a fan of people watching me eat but it was all good. It was a good evening and we had fun talking about there weekend with the wedding and all. It was great to see all the pictures and see the wedding come together nicely. Not saying I am excited for that day or anything haha. Tuesday came and we went to the Soup Kitchen and ended up taking literally huge box of food home with us! They had received 10 crates full of salads! So for the past week we had some delicious ceaser salad. Wednesday came and we did not have district meeting. That evening we got to go to young mens and we played risk with them. It was awesome to hang out with some of the young men and help them to enjoy themselves and to fellowship some of them. It got pretty intense but was quite enjoyable.
Pizza courtesy of Elder Joe's mom |
working hard performing service |
Thursday came mighty quick and this was the starting of our service projects. So we went over to Sis Dee Mel's place and we helped tear up sod and than move it away from some of their trees. It was so beautiful that day! The weather has been getting so much warmer. So we worked up a sweat and got the job done but we will have to go back to do more. Our reward was not money but lunch! I also got a little bit of my summer tan going. It was nice to do something a little different for a change. After that we went to Dylan's house one of the recent converts and we cut down her trees and removed her fence. More strenuous work and was well needed. I always love giving service! You just feel so good after doing it and it is always fun well doing it too. So we did not have any rope to help pull down the trees so we got a hose instead and I climbed the tree and hooked it on and took it down! It was a fun day as people walked by and thought I was crazy for pulling this tree towards me. I honestly thought for a bit too I would get impaled by it. We also took out some metal concrete posts. Man those things were a pain! I was about ready to take dynamite to it! But it helped me to learn and exercise my patience. I am a strong believer when you pray for patience or pray for something the Lord will not just give you that attribute but will give you experiences that work that attribute to strengthen it!
After our service we went over to the Atkins and had Janus over for dinner. It was quite the meal as we made our own subs! It was neat as Janus Had never made his own subs and than after he learned about how delicious it is to put chocolate syrup and other stuff on ice cream!
We had no time to do weekly planning so we put it off. Friday was our busy busy day! We first had our ward pancake breakfast! Which was super good! It was awesome as we had Scooter and her family there and had a fun time. After we traveled over to district meeting. It was nice to role-play cause we had the Zone Leaders there. We talked a lot about the Atonement and just how important it is to help our investigators understand it. I love teaching the Atonement of Jesus Christ as it literally is what Salvation is through Christ. I love teaching about the redemptive power of the Atonement. I have felt its power in my life time and time again! It is amazing how deep the Atonement is and how you can study it forever and not even get close to understanding any of it. I am so grateful for the understanding I do have of the Atonement and for that great act of love by the Savior. I encourage all to study and apply the Atonement in your life and seek for the healing power for any wounds that may not be healed.
district meeting - knights of the round table?? |
After the meeting we took off to the Mandarin. We went on an awfully bad day! We went on a holiday and ended up having to pay sooooo much! The food is just so good it is simple irresistible! Friday night we got a special opportunity to attend the Easter Cantata. The musical numbers were amazing and really moving. I want to wish you all A very Happy Past Easter. That evening we got to ride up with the Poulin's to the Cantata. As always hanging out with the Poulin's was great! We always have great time doing whatever we might. At the Cantata I got to experience a very special experience but I will tell of this. While one of the songs were being sung. The lyrics rang through my head and the Spirit testified to me of my Savior, Jesus the Christ, and that he really does live. I know he lives and did rise again. I am so grateful for this time to remember him and am grateful to have my testimony of that. Saturday we got breakfast at the Curry's. It was a great start to the morning. After that we went back over to Dylans and helped with the fence! That evening we went over to the Miller's place. I had a great experience with some of the hottest hot sauce I have had in awhile! it destroyed my taste buds! Man was it ever hot. Elder Lowry took awhile to convince him but he did it too and he could not stop laughing! It was sooo funny but I felt bad as I knew how bad it really was. Sunday came and this Sunday was special! It was Transfer Sunday! So I really did not want to get transferred. Nor do I really want to leave. We had a great time at church! Janus came with us and he LOVED church. It was so cool to have him even join in singing with us! It was nice to see him singing as he was the first invs I have had who actually sung. Well that evening we went over to the Poulin's for an Easter dinner. It was fun as they had lots of people there. We got there and the party was already started. They decorated there garage and we all sat in there to eat. They had done up an Easter egg hunt for the missionaries, their kids, and also cousins i believe. It brought back a lot of memories as a kid. Than we ate and chatted. After we played basketball, Frisbee, and volleyball. It was quite a good Easter/transfer night. Than 9 rolled around and my nerves kicked in! We waited for that time pacing around and we got no call! So I am staying one more transfer here in Niagara at least! I am so excited for this transfer. I hope we will see some great miracles! :) Love you all! Talk to you later!
At the Poulin's house |
??? |
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