So anyways to catch up on the last little bit of past week. I loved conference this past past week! It was honestly sooooo good. I learned a ton from it. Something that has been sticking out to me the past little while is how important covenants are. By studying my covenants I have made in my life up to this point has really influenced my testimony and understanding of the Gospel. I am so grateful for the time I had taken to study this out. Some of my favorite talks this past conference were Henry B Eyring's, Richard G. Scott, Ronald A Rasbands, Dallin H. Oakes, and m Russell Ballard. I really enjoyed the Follow up story Elder Ballard shared. As a missionary I had a good chuckle. So during the Saturday session we went and got lunch and than came back. it was nice to sit down and enjoy the shows that played during the sessions. Elder Lowry and I had the chapel all to ourselves so i went up to the front and played hymns well practiced playing them! I am slowly but surely getting better each time I play. The afternoon session was really good but we almost missed it! One of the members who we will not name came to join us at the church. She came in and we were like oh shut we do not have another mail here. So we decided to go outside and do some laps around the church waiting for members to show up. Thank goodness someone did! So we missed the first 5 mins. But man I treasure conference time! As I have said in the past as a missionary conference becomes so engaging and I just crave every word! I hope I can take the captivation I have acquired to conference back home with me! So in the evening we had a delicious steak dinner at the church for the Priesthood! Sunday was quite good! We ended up having Janus at church and more members came for the morning session. I thought we might have another Windsor moment where they were more missionaries than members haha. We got to go out on Sunday in between sessions to visit with Scooter and the Smith family. It was really nice because they are actually from High River. They have been here for about a year and a bit. They also lived in Okotoks too for awhile. It was exciting to find out that they knew many of the same people that my family does and they loved Bishop Hershey from the High River ward. So it was cool because my aunt is his daughter! Anywho it was a good time talking with them about Southern Alberta. It actually made me miss home quite a bit. We had a pretty good ending of the week though.

Well this week now. So Monday we went hiking and visiting some water falls! We got bored and decided to go on an adventure and so some of those pictures i sent out from the water fall hike haha. I will maybe send some other pictures to you all. Man it was so awesome! We went to the Devil's punch bowl and also Albion falls. I enjoyed Albion falls better because we went and stood in the water fall! Well just put our feet into it. Elder Cowley and I enjoyed playing at the falls.

Tuesday we had the weekly soup kitchen! I actually remembered to get photos this time! I get to wear that classy apron every time. At District Meeting, we had a good old guilt trip discussion. So as a missionary you will be presented with some of the following: The Parable of the Lamps, The Consecrated Missionary, and the 4th missionary. As you read from these you will call yourself to repentance and want to do better. So this is what I am trying to do in my life and consecrate myself and become a better missionary. Thursday brought weekly planning again. Friday was a very quite day as we did a TON of finding. oh ya btw! I have had talked to over 9000 :P i looked this morning but i forget the exact number. Saturday we went to help a member with their basement and clean it out. They had a flood down there. Sunday was a decent day we only had Scooter and the Smith's come to church which was nice to have them there :)!

This week was another great week. We kind of had a slower one but it was not to bad. So this past week was a little bit slower but Sunday we got to see Scooter and the Smith's. We had a solid lesson with them and talked a ton about concerns with the church. I was surprised that the lesson went that well. Scooter is awesome! At the age of 4 she was drawing out the Plan of Salvation! We love teaching her. Janus is doing well this week too. We are trying to help him prepare for baptism but he has yet to get his answer. We are struggling to help him find his answer but we hope God and I trust God to help us! Velma and Gab are doing great they are moving right alone! We found out they should be able to get married real quick! So we are excited for them to get married and than for Velma to get baptized! We were able to reconnect with Jasmine this past week so we hope to be able to met with her and help her to progress in her learning of the Gospel! It was so awesome we found out she has still been praying every day! It is so awesome to have people change and see their change to come closer to Jesus Christ. So ya that's a little bit about our invs this week. We sadly won't have a baptism before the end of the transfer but hopefully we can leave some baptisms for the next missionaries to come into here. We are excited for this week as we should pick up 8 new invs for our lack of new people to teach this week. Well I have really come to love this area and the people I have met! I am so grateful for this transfer as it has helped me to really become a better missionary and a better witness of the truth! I also had the chance to memorize My missionary commission! It has definitely helped shaped my understanding of who I am supposed to be. We literally are servants of Jesus Christ selected personal by revelation to come to this area. To do and say what Christ would do if he was here personally ministering to the people whom he has sent me to. I am so grateful for all the people I have met thus far and for their testimonies and for the experiences I have been able to have. I know this gospel is true. I know without a doubt in my mind that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God, whom through him the Gospel and the church was restored to the Earth in this last dispensation. I know that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world and mine own personal Savior. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of him and I have found great strength and found my testimony growing as I have read from it! I love you and if any of you wish to grow your testimony and have the Spirit witness the truth of what I have shared unto you, pray about it. Love you all bye!

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