Our birthday cake - a few of the elders in our district all had birthdays in the first week of March. |
Hey Yall!
the fancy meal from the Eaton centre |
Well it has come to that time again, for myself to repent and write a decent weekly email. So in this one I will include pictures and my thoughts from some of my studies this past week! So the joys of the week. Within the ward/district, we had birthdays on the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Elder Bowman is now 20 and myself too. It is pretty cool to finally be over the teens. I am sad though as I have no excuse to be immature anymore haha. On my Birthday I opened a great package from my family and opened my bday presents! Thank you all! Unfortunately it was pretty cold outside and all our appts bombed. It was hard day. Not the best bday. But oh well. Monday was fun as we went to the Eaton Centre and I was soooo proud of myself for not buying anything! I wanna buy soooo much haha. But I know I cannot wear any of those clothes lol. It was a lot of fun but was definitely hard for me to be in that position. Never been a fan of malls as a missionary.
the coolest food court |
So I have been doing so good on memorizing spanish and working on memorizing my scriptures. We have finally got a cool RC to work with named Bro Dennis. He is an older gentleman and has a million books! He is pretty sweet and we are going to be helping him go to the temple! So on Wednesday we went tracting in some random buildings and well that always makes me feel better! Than in the evening we had FHE. I love FHE and I look forward of being a part of my own families night! I miss family time. But eh I guess we are all Bros. and Sis's anyways. Bro Ellis taught the lesson and he did a great job for his first time teaching. He is a RC of a year now. He is a bit quirky and nerdy but he is so awesome. A very loving guy. He taught us so beautifully about conversion. Densel, an RC, from my last area has moved into our ward and so he came and had a fun evening with us as we felt the Spirit and played a few games. Thursday was a good old planning day and of course we got Albions to go along with it! We went 5 days without it haha, We could not go another day without craving it. We actually ended up only having one appt that actually went through with an awesome person from japan named Fumiko! She came to ESL and we had a ton of fun teaching her about the gospel after. She has no background of God and so it will be cool teaching her from the very basics and helping her have experiences to come to know God.
Albion's restaurant is the best |
So this past week on Friday we had Sports night, I had a medical issue and than that night Elder Bowman took a spill and is now having knee issues. It was really bad but it was a neat experience and testimony building experience to me that you never know when you may need to give a priesthood blessing. So we must be worthy at all times and in all places. I am so grateful for this power that God has blessed me with! I was super concerned for him and now we are getting him looked after and going to a Doc's today! Heres hoping nothing to serious happened. We also had Zone Counsel this week! I loved it we learned about how when we teach someone about prayer we must share with them to have a correct understanding of whom the Godhead is. It is so neat the difference our prayers can have when we have a correct understanding of whom God is to us and how his Son, Jesus Christ works through him and also the Holy Ghost. Next week I will explain this a little more! I would encourage you all to watch the new videos of because of him coming out and also the video called always remember him! They are awesome videos go on Lds.org. On Sunday we had our firstr like official member meal appt with a family, the Roses. They are a SWEET family. they have the coolest house the is a modern or contemporary style home. It is like a bowling ally very rectangular. Then the kitchen is sweet! Oh good old Toronto with all its innovations! The Spirit was so nice within their home. I want to say to all the members that I thank you personally for the work that you do to invite the Spirit into your home. It is so important that us as parents and even kids do all we can to have the Spirit within our home as the decisions we make as a family are so vital and soo important for our spiritual progression. I hope that I can help my household to grow that same feeling of peace and love from the Spirit.

My family loves me... my box of "sunshine" for my birthday. |
our view from our apartment |
our version of New York's Times Square |