This is one of the spots in the national park up by Cyprus Lake called the Grotto! Absolutely Gorgeous area! |
beautiful rocky shores of the Georgian Bay |
beautiful Tobermory! |

Well this is the 2nd last week of this transfer! It has been fun and really good! This week we had a little too much fun maybe! haha. So this week we went up to Tobermory! And visited the Grotto. Once again Ontario has overdone it self and has beautiful land formation! It was quite a beautiful day and ended up being a fun adventure. So our invs Curtis we went to go and see him. We taught him with Aaron our recent convert! Curtis is from The Church of Christ. For all of you who do not know there is two main break off of the LDS church or our church. The RLDS church was started by Sydney Rigdon, after awhile another man broke off from that church named William Bickerton. He started The Church of Jesus Christ. So we get to help him learn of the Prophets after Joseph Smith and how the succession of the next Prophet took place. We are excited to have him start reading from the Doctrine and Covenants and learn of there truth for himself! We hope that his prayers will be answered and the greater light of the truth will enter into his life.
then we also stopped by Aldu, Aldu is a funny one, she is soooo busy and we can never catch her but yet we can catch her only when we need to set up an appt but than we have no body we can teach her with. Erg it is frustrating to not be able to met with her! Hopefully we can finally see her this week! Kalyn and Sam are doing awesome! they are reading from the Book of Mormon and have a lot of questions so we hope we can met with them later on this week and be able to talk about it with them! We taught our recent convert Ken about the Priesthood and just hang out with him and gave him some needed company. This happened Tuesday morning.
Oh ya! so i was suffering from Strep and all that great stuff too. This morning we drove out to Wasaga beach and had District Meeting. My 2nd one! We discussed Finding New people to teach! It was good as i wanted to have missionaries in the District share their experiences with the ways of finding new invs. Now I will say this that for finding people to teach it is the job of the members and us to SHARE the Gospel. To invite people to come to church, or check out
mormon.org, or to come see the Temple, or to come to a church activity. This is our role and responsibility. It will be my duty and role to invite all who I have association with to learn of the restored Gospel. We do that through simple commitments extended with love and also we be the Example we have been taught to be. I am so excited to do this when i get home with people that I know rather than total strangers haha. The members are soooo important! For all you missionaries reading this use your members!!! they are there for you if not help them to be there for you! WORK WITH THE MEMBERS. Anyways but ya so I took the strain off my voice and we had a great meeting! We were all able to achieve finding two new this past week! Bro and Sis Leinonin addressed us too and we were glad to have had them do so. They reminded us of the best way to Find. Plus they talked about having activities that members can bring their friends too! In your wards push for activities you can bring non-members too! Use the resources that you have!
Fireworks with Paul |
That afternoon it rained and poured while we drove back and taught Ken. That evening it stopped and today was of course Canada Day! I thought I would not get to see the fire works and that i would not get to celebrate it. but we had a BBQ with Chris and Megan. The Cepada's came, and the whole Kuezak Clan, and than Megan's parents and Rob a friend of Zack. it was really fun as we all talked about mission stories and different experiences we remember from their missions. It was weird to discuss as i was still on mine haha. Than after a delicious meal we went out to the fire works! I got them on film and it was really nice to be able to still celebrate Canada Day. let me say I was sooo tired that morning haha. Fireworks always tire me right out. Than We had Sis Cepada on Wednesday morning. We took in our car to get fixed as we had lunch. We drove it around for awhile with the brakes sounding like metal dragging on the ground haha. We were so happy to get them fixed! Lunch was good as Ayla Kuezak was also there with her baby :), Hailey! She is soooooo cute! We ate at East Side Mario's. Glad this one had not closed as the one did in Lethbridge. Then we did some drop bys and PI but not too much luck with that. We had dinner at Sis. Cuttings and we used cool Invite bars that are a rip off of Twix bars and so you have to share it with someone! or invite someone to learn about the Gospel before you can eat it! We were shown this by the Leinonin's! it was really a good idea! Thursday was weekly planning and we had dinner with the Martain's. After we went to go visit some of our members in the Hospital. We have several ppl who have fallen ill and we go there quite often to visit. You know going there so much makes me want to change what I go into cause I am beginning to feel like the hospital is where I spend a lot of my time haha. Friday we spent a lot of time finding so that was good.
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Working at the Cepada's! I got a tool belt finally hahah |
\Then Saturday we went out to the Cepada's to help with their house again! We are almost all done the outside for now! Only 2 more sides to finish and than the windows. We were there for awhile and ended up meeting some of their non-member friends. They were really nice but spoke little English it seemed haha. Sunday was awesome, both ken and Aaron received the Aaronic Priesthood. It was cool to also see them get up and bare their testimonies. It is soooo cool seeing the progression of your invs! I love it. Than Sunday night we went out to Wiraton area to go have supper with the Dunning's. Bro. Dunning is awesome and that is all I can say about that haha.
The next pic is the scaff holding we climbed up and down sorta the leaning tower! haha |
That last one is the basement which Bro Cepada and I figured out and did! |
Well this week was good. I have been contemplating about a lot of things and I am so grateful this week for prayer as i have been drawn to my knees a lot this past little while as notions clouded my head and caused me to lose focus and also not be able to sleep. prayer has given me some relief to which I am indebted to my Heavenly Father for granting that sleep and clear mind to me. Well this is all for this week! cya!
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