Well everyone Nephi was right! If you do not understand look at 2 Nephi 28:7-9 |
The most healthiest/ delicious desert i have ever had! |
Worlds largest chair in gravenhurst Ontario! Would you not like to have this chair in your yard! |
Selfy on the shore with Elder Tinney |
Well this week was another interesting one. Monday we ended up going over to our invs brad's place and spend some time with him. He is going through some rough patches with some illnesses and relationships. So we ended up going over and i ended up playing counselor between him and his girl over the phone. it was not a fun experience as I was stressed out. But I learned some very important things from that whole experience which I will not elaborate on. Number one, to keep calm and relaxed in all situations and take a few breaths to allow your mind to clear and to start processing. Number two, listen carefully and apply the principles of listening and asking inspired questions to understand both sides of the opposing parties. As you do this you will be given by the Spirit as to what to say. Than help to resolve concerns and come to a compromise as to what best suits both parties if no agreement can be reached. Third, stick to the plan and agreement. In this situation and in others make sure you take care of yourself first and than worry about the other party. This step was not followed and I hope all goes with well him as he is now gone back to Orillea. It was cool that even in this situation which had some gospel relevance the principles I have learned on my mission pay off and are sooooo helpful. Brad was awesome and had a lot to work through but he will one day repent and be baptized to receive a remission of His sins. That has been really sticking out in my mind lately.
We have been focusing on the Doctrine of Christ and how through baptism by the proper authority we can be forgiven of all of our mistakes and be cleansed through the atoning blood of the Lamb. It is only through baptism by proper authority that we can progress and follow the foot steps of our Savior. Imagine you are in a room with out a door to be seen and your are on a chair and on the walls, are written all the mistakes you have ever committed in your life thus far. How would you feel? Would you wish to stay or try to get out? The way and the process to get out is only through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. by first faith in Jesus Christ than Repentance. These two principles prepare us for the first ordinance of the gospel which is Baptism. I know that all that you have done wrong in your life can be fixed and washed away by baptism. I have felt the power of the Atonement in my life because I was baptized by the same authority by which Christ was baptized. I know that the only way we can access the full power of the Atonement is through Baptism. This is not all, for there are two parts two a baptism, baptism by water for the remission of sins and baptism by fire for the purification. We receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands through this proper Priesthood authority. This gift of the Holy Ghost will be promised to always be with us to guide and comfort us as long as we are worthy of it. Something else that we have focused on more recently too is the topic of Light vs. Dark. Now how does this tie into the Gospel sense. Well in our every day lives we make choices that either bring us closer to more light or towards the Darkness. the Prophet Joseph Smith said that, "once we have been baptized there is no neutral ground or going back." This is so true after we reach the age of accountability we can start to discern from the light and the dark. In this world it has made evil things seem good and good things seem evil. it has caused the mist of darkness to be set over our eyes to try to blind us from the things that will bring more light into our lives. For example marriage, now they are not using marriages anymore but calling it, a civil union. The world once acknowledged marriages is between a man and a wife but now in this modern liberalistic and darkening world the commitment of a "marriage" and the ideas behind it have become lost. This is due to Satan's power to influence the way that this world will go by influencing the people therein. I would encourage you all to study these topics of light and dark and to learn what brings the light more into our lives and what moves us into the darkness. Some of my other findings of these topics were interesting. I would pose two questions to ask yourselves, "What do you do that brings light into your life? and What do you do that takes you away from the light?" When we are stuck in the grasp of the darkness and seem no way out do the small things to bring light back into your life. You cannot and should not process in the dark but step out into the light and evaluate your situation. Always remember our divine destiny and divine potential as this will help you to realize why you need this light and what the ultimate goal and having this light is.
So Tuesday came and we had some rain storms and all. We did a lot of drop bys and seeing old potential invs but little to no succes. We had dinner with Sis. Lindsey who has not been able to come to church due to work. We were exited to finally see her and we also got to eat and teach her daughters who are non-members afterwards! We had a really good lesson. Elder Tinney and I are finally starting to teach more in unity too which is def helping a lot! That was the fun event of Tuesday teaching Kayln and Sam.
Wednesday we had some appts but they all bombed! So we tracted for awhile! Than we went to lunch with Sis Cepada at Pizza Hut. She really does love us as it is a weekly thing we go out and eat. After eating there we than went to go see Bro. Bullock. We helped him cut up some of his tree and clean up around his house. Than we went to Sis. Lang's house the R.S. President! She is super nice and really kind! Her husband is a non-member and she asked Elder Tinney to share some of his talk from Sunday with him and so we had an excellent dinner than settled in for Elder Tinny's discourse. It was interesting but not quite what Bill needed.So we did a poor job at teaching and helping him feel the Spirit. it is so interesting being able to observe the different times in teaching where the Spirit is there and when it is not. It is such a contrast! I would rather teach with the Spirit than not! i such at teaching on my own! haha
President and Sister Scott on their last day! :( |
Thursday we had our Zone Conference all the way up in bracebridge! This drive was 3 hours too long haha. We had to get up at 4:30 am to be ready to go. Not a cup of tea on a mission schedule haha when you have to get up early it kills you! i have to say this about getting up early, "the thoughts of getting up earlier than 6:30 are indescribable, nevertheless i do not feel to murmur." I must saw the drive was rather nice but i did almost fall asleep a couple times. :) Whoops. So we got there and this was President and Sis Scott's last Zone Conference with us! It is crazy that he is leaving! We talked about the light vs dark and about the sources from whence it comes. Once again i encourage all to study these topics! Than we also got taught about helping invs find and change what hinders there progression in obtaining more light and talked about how to use the Spirit to help them identify what is drawing darkness into their lives. We had lunch there and everything. Plus I saw my sisters Grandpa and Grandma, Elder and Sister Simon. it was so nice to see more familiar faces! The end of Zone Conference came and we got to hug President and Sis Scott.they have become some amazing role modules in my life. I love and adore President and Sis Scott. It is hard dealing with changes every transfer as friends leave and new friends come haha it still causes me grief these changes. After we traveled back and realized that we would not get home till 9 because of the long drive so we settled down and turned on some tunes and enjoyed our drive back home into the sunset!
This is the roof we were on! the other is just me! |
The girl beside me is Sis Scea's daughter, Angella, she was my shingle passing buddy for the day! |
Friday was a service day! I got a little more tanned and we finished up helping the Rawlings with their fence! it was fun to build this fence and help out! We had gorgeous weather for it too! I drank so much water that day. Than Saturday came and this was the one of the hardest days of service we have had. We volunteered to go help the Scea's put new shingles on their roof. We thought lots of people would be there but nope not really. It was Bro. Rollins, Angella, and Dan, and than me. Elder Tinney is on leave from all service haha so he got to read some books will I worked on the roof. So I had to overcome my fear of heights super quick as i was the one who was voted to do the shingling on the steep roof. So into the harness and tie down I went. It was scary and hard at first but we got quite a bit done. Plus I am not scared of heights anymore haha. It become fun after awhile. I just worked and worked and we all did it together. It got super hot and we all died haha. We had to get hosed off a couple times as the weather was scorching hot.
Our work projects/service project! |
Well once again Elder Sopal has killed himself and is dead |
Sunday we got to confirm Aaron! It was sooo awesome! This will be a remember-able experience! The Spirit is so strong when you perform the first ordinances for someone. Well as for some other things to note. Our car brakes are dying they started going on Thursday and sound like two rocks grinding together! So we will have to deal with this annoying sound till Wednesday. Than I have been sick for the past couple days too so not to much fun stuff in that department!
Well everyone sorry for the length haha Love you all bye!
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