Elder Koceja (front), Elder Joe (kneeling behind), other two elders unknown. |
Well let me tell you about my week! So here is some quotes for everyone to ponder this week,
The treasures of eternity are found in the depths of Christ
personality, the more they are received, the more they are in his
pattern, given."
"You cannot repress goodness in human nature!"
"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."
"Was any intelligence communicated? And was there anything indecorous?" How to know if you have a good lesson!
So this week we saw some pretty cool things! We
again have been doing a lot of member work and helping the LA come back
to re-activity. We had a sister who has been going through some really
hard trials give us a call and said that she really wanted to start
coming back to Church and wanted us to help here to strengthen here
faith and uplift her spirits. So we went over and had a great lesson
about the Atonement and how to overcome trials and how to use prayer to
overcome the adversary! It was awesome! She is going to start coming
back and is giving up smoking, drinking, coffee! It is amazing to see
the changes of a person that the Atonement can render!
This week with
our investigators we have about 10-12 in our teaching pool and invited
all of them out to church we had a big fat ZERO unfortunately :( ugh it
stinks since we got here nobody is coming to Church! We have invited
everyone to baptism and have been trying to help them to work towards
baptism but it is so difficult! Our three solid investigators are Ryan,
Becky, and Steph. All have a date they are working towards. We also
found a bunch of potential investigators and are excited to follow up
with that! It was super sad but we will deal. We will keep trying to get
people out! But Ryan is super open and an honest seeker of the truth!
He is excited to learn more! Becky is preparing for baptism on December
8! We are so excited that she will be our first person to get baptized
:) The Jamaicans are still doing great! But they did not come to church
which was sad. We also picked up some one who we had to let go his name
is Jay Jay, he is french and is super super nice! He is looking for
something more in life and has visions! It is so cool teaching him! We
are excited to met with him again and get him baptized as he is super

Well this week we had exchanges with the
Zoneleaders! I was with Elder Rowley with the CAR! It was sweet! We
dropped by some many people! We started out by looking for a formers
house that did not even exist! We looked for 30 mins haha there was
every number except that one haha. We talked to 52 people and i have now
talked to 1654 people I think is the last accounted for number. That is
so many people! It was awesome not having to ride bikes for a day hahah
and my legs felt really rested after that haha! It was super nice! He
is an awesome missionary. He is from Idaho and has been out for over a
year and a half coming down to a few months left. We had great studies
where I learned a lot. Did you know in the 10 commandments to keep the
Sabbath Day Holy is 94 words compared to other commandments. We also did
a exchange with Elder Ward too! He is from Washington! He is super
awesome and knowledge. He knows so much about serving a mission and the
gospel! I loved learning from him. We talked this super nice African
american lady who was pentecostal! She was so nice!
Well the weather has been mighty interesting this
week! We have now ridden or walked in the rain for 20 days! It was
pretty awesome! Last night there was a huge storm!!!!! So we were having
supper and just minding our own when all of a sudden boom!!! The
biggest rain fall and thunder hit outside! It was like we were in a
tropical storm! The wind blew over some trees and lamp posts and the
stop lights were twisted. We even had a huge pool in our parking lot
haha! We had a appt last night and it was downtown! We had to ride in
the rain! It was pouring so hard and we got sufficiently soaked! The
streets were flooded and all my clothes were soaked! It was awful but
so much fun. Elder Koceja rode through the puddles and put his legs up
haha we were drenched! The thunder was so loud too! It was aweful but a
good memorable experience! We did not find the house unfortunately and
yea haha. We called her quits. and went back for the night haha.
Well that was our week it was fun and productive and we
almost hit standards of excellence too! it was nice for a change! We
also had a lesson this week with Becky and got Bro. Teffer out! It was
such a cool spiritual experience! When we got to the first vision I had
to say it! I said it perfectly and it is so sweet how that testimony and
vision can bring in the spirit and allow all to feel the spiritual
witness of the Holy Ghost to confirm it. It was one of the better
lessons we have taught :) But that was our week! We also had some very
very kind members drop off a bunch of food for us it was sooooo nice :)
We loved it! God bless them! Our cupboards are pretty full now! We only
have to buy milk and some snacks haha its awesome! I love you all and my
spiritual thought for this week is Spiritual CPR is the way we can grow
and increase our testimony! It stands for church, prayer, reading of
the words of God! It has blessed my life and the life of our
Windsor Ward (can you spot Elder Joe?) |
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