Thursday 12 September 2013


We dropped him off yesterday. It was a mix of emotions but it was easier dropping him off than I thought. I felt comforted handing him over to hundreds of other young men like him and teachers who would love him and take care of him as much as I do. He was so ready. He was a giddy ball of emotions. He was stressed about everything not fitting in his  suitcase to putting on goofy glasses with his sister to jumping up and down because 1:45 (his time to report at the MTC) wasn't coming fast enough
Someone gave us some nice advice - to park across the street at the temple and say our long goodbyes there. 
It was hard letting him go but I can't even begin to express how excited I am for him and how proud I am for him. 
For anyone who wants to write him, he can access his email each werk on prep-day   

If you send him a letter by snail mail you will have to send it VERY soon.  Here is the address is
Elder Joseph Sopal
2009 N 900E
Provo, UT

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