Hey Everyone!
Well another transfer has come to pass! As always with transfer calls being last night i was super nervous and just could not focus. Well turns out I am going to Timmins!!!! Jokes. We did not receive a call at all. So Elder Lowry, my son, will be staying with me for one more transfer at least. This past week was awesome! We had a solid week. We are now back to finding 5 new investigators and tearing it up! This past week we met Jessica who is just starting her family. She has a little boy who is 3 years old and is living in St Cats. She is super nice and we saw her walking in the parking lot so we ran to talk to her! Talking with everyone pays off! She is super excited to learn how her family can be together forever and has wondered whats inside those big beautiful buildings we build ( Temples). We also picked up Pat as a new investigator who was a former. He is an older gentleman from England. I love Pat he has the best stories. It is always so much fun going over and chatting with him and hearing the stories hes got for us. We struggle with being able to teach our lessons haha because he LOVES talking. Sometimes I feel like he just wants to talk because he is lonely. We love Pat anyways though. Jasmine and Meggaen are both doing awesome! Jasmine has been reading A TON from the Book of Mormon and asking so many good questions. Jasmine and Meggean will be coming to church this next Sunday! We are so excited for this coming Sunday as we might have a few more people at church. We also have Velma who is a referral from a member. She is reading and praying about the Book Of Mormon and she is coming to church. She this past week asked us to be baptized! So we will try to help them overcome their concerns and prepare for baptism! I really hope all the people we have thus far will continue to progress. Than we have Terri who is apart of a part member family. He has been really wanting to learn all he can about the Plan of Salvation and also temple work! We are just trying to help him understand the need to perform ordinances in this life rather than wait for the Spirit World. I love all the people we are working with and love being able to have people to teach and help progress.
Elder Magnum & Elder Joe |
Tuesday came and we got to go on exchanges. I got to go with Elder Magnum. We stayed in our area while Elder Lai and Elder Lowry walked around Niagara as either of them drive. Elder Magnum and I went around St Cats all day. We had a good morning of studying Chinese! I now know how to say "Hi, how are you in Chinese?" It was always awe inspiring as i watched Elder magnum contacting Chinese people and I would just stand there with my mouth closed and smiling because I knew nothing! I do not think I have ever felt more useless than that on my mission. By the way my Spanish is coming a long nicely. I was able to contact someone in Spanish the other day and go through the first vision and so on and invite them to learn more. It was pretty cool! Elder Lowry was not expecting it. Anyways we had a great exchange that was where we picked up Pat and Jessica and talked to a ton of people. It is so cool how God will put people into your path as you show your faith by planning the night before to work around specific names. We also got to met a pretty cool less active member who is trying to come back his name is Andrew. He has two kids and is a RC. He has a lot of really cool tattoos. It is always fun asking people stories of why they got that one or that one and it is always an interesting answer. It was fun serving with Elder Magnum for that day though.
Elder Lai |
Sunday was good as we had a few people at church and it was a little warmer that day. This week it is supposed to be colder which I am not looking forward too but oh well. On March 22 we will get the amazing privilege of meeting and hearing from Elder Bednar! I am super excited for that day! Well to all who have read this I hope you have had an awesome week! And I hope you will continue to have a great day or night or week or month! I love you all dearly and know that I miss you all! Your all amazing and so supportive! Thank you to all who have written to me and sent me things! Love you all!
Elder Sopal signing off....
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