Anyways continuing on with my week. Tuesday we taught a young mom named Sherica who is from Jamaica, she has a cute little 5 year old daughter named Hannah. It was a pretty awesome lesson! We taught the restoration simply and powerfully! After Sherica we went back to Grandview which is a super ghetto place in the East area with some super sketch but nice people there! We went to go and teach Hawah again. She is progressing alone nicely. She is quite the intelligent one. She is diligently seeking for the truth and believes she will find it in this church. Same with Sherica she started to doubt her old church and wanted to find a new one with more truth and she also knew there had to be only one true church as it is stated by Paul there is but One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. So we are helping her to receive her answer!
This week I have decided that by the end of my mission I wish to be able to play the piano! So I will make goals and set plans to learn how to play hymns and also other piano songs in my spare time! This past week we actually acquired a guitar! So now I am happier than a lark! I love having it to play during comp study to sing! I have to be careful it doesn't consume my time for other things. Good old time management!
Wednesday we went to teach several people named Bridgette and Richard. They are both two super nice people and we found them back in December and they called us asking us to come over and teach them more about mormons! We were pretty excited to say the least.
It has been snowing a lot the past couple of days too! People drive so slow here when it snows it annoys me but I still love them a lot! haha. Oh well at least we do not have to walk all over town anymore haha. We also taught a few more people this week like Grace, Rob, Louis, Joseph, Jabour, Joyce, and francois. The notable ones I will mention. First off is Jabour, he is an Arabic old man who acts like he is still 20 haha but is actually 60. During our lesson he asked us how to become a mormon and what he has to do to get baptized and agreed to follow all that we told him haha. It was pretty awesome! He also loved picking on Elder Hewitt! He kept having him say all the prayers and answer all the questions mostly until Jabour told Elder Hewitt he does not understand and had me or Elder Adams answer the questions from now on. He does not like his accent. This also happened with Joyce she is super awesome! She is Cuban and has a cute daughter that is 7 years old. She loves teasing Elder Hewitt. During our two lessons with her she just kept taunting Elder Hewitt like Jabour and making fun of him. He develops some very different relationships with people haha. But all of our current people we are teaching are so awesome! Jimmy and Stella the chinese couple are super sweet too! They both are having trouble with believing in God but have agreed to try harder and read more from the Book Of Mormon, come to church, and pray. Stella actually went onto the BYU website and researched what she had to do to get baptized and learned more about our church. We had an awesome lesson and destroyed any and all of her concerns! We have been beasting out the lessons and accomplishing our purpose!
I love Windsor so much and have loved it! I hope I get to stay here another transfer! But President Scott had his own ideas for me. Sunday came around and unfortunately we did not have anyone out to church they all promised to come next week though! But today that Sunday was transfer call night! So with calls either you will be called by President Scott or by the AP's. So when President Scott calls it is either you are going leadership or you are training! Well We got a call from president Scott at 9:09 and I dropped the phone when he told me I would be training! I was like oh man no way. I am super sad that I will leave this area and white wash into St. David by Niagra falls. I am nervous but excited to train. It will be hard but everyone says I am ready for it. So I will believe them for now! Plus in St Davids we have a car!! I was so excited when I heard that. So last night and this morning I spent packing my bags! It is crazy how much stuff I had to pack haha. I really got cozy in our apartment it felt so much like home! But now I am living out of a box, 2 suitcases, and a duffle bag! I will have more pictures for you all to see my transfer next week! I really do not want to leave Windsor but I guess I must. I have come to love this place and the people here so much. I will miss everyone and now to a brand new area and a brand new start! But I love you all thanks for the support! Have an awesome week!
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