Well another week in the Lovely City of Windsor. Well this week was not all to bad. Well this week was slow but good. We found 7 new investigators! I am having trouble walking due to some silly problems with my feet. Well i just keep on walking! So everyday this week we have walked down to Ouellette which is the far side of our area! So we have been getting calves of steal!
So this week has been pretty cold outside. For some reason I am not able to keep myself warm with all the layers that I do wear. Time is honestly starting to fly by haha. I was walking with Elder Hewitt on Thursday thinking we had an appt with someone we had two days from then. The days are all melding together and it feels like I have been out so long yet only for a short while. All in all is is really enjoyable.
Well this week quote is by Brigham Young. He wrote, " The greatest mystery a man ever learned is to know how to control the human mind and to bring even faculty and power into subjection to Jesus Christ, this is the greatest mystery we have to learn while in these tabernacles of clay. I really do love that quote because we are here to learn to control our passions, desires, and the natural, carnal, devilish self within. We can overcome fully only by the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
We tracted into this part member family this past week the Wrightman's. They are super nice and awesome! We are going to try to help her come back to the Church and also teach her children too! We had dinner with them and then we walked all the way home. They invited us over to their restaurant they owned! Called El Patron! On New Years Eve we had the read-a-thon again from 12-9 pm. So we stayed inside all day. It was awesome we read so much and so fast. But i got so much out of it. It was a good District bonding time and it was snowing like crazy so it was nice to be inside. Wednesday and on we did a lot of tracking and contacting. We found a guy named Michael. He is an awesome black guy who is wanting to make changes in his life and bring the gospel into his life to help his family come closer together. We also found a couple Kim and Derek. Who are super nice and young. They just got a dog and we are going to help their marriage last after the grave. We found out that in one of our apartments we were tracking people were watching us a little to closely. So we are now not going back there for safety reasons.
Friday We had dinner with the Ogdons and found a couple more people. I went on an exchange with Elder Howlett from Alaska Friday to Saturday. It was rather nice. We talked to so many people. I have now officially talked to over 3100 people! I am quite proud of myself. This weekend we taught Becky to follow the Prophet and about President Monson. We watched the Mormon message "In His Sacred Name". It was good! She believes he is a Prophet of God and also said that after she is baptized she will pay tithing!
That evening we called every person we knew inviting them out to church. Unfortunately we came so close to standards! ERG! Once again so close but we will try again next week. So on Friday evening we actually had a super neat experience! Elder Howlett and I went tracting a street and we felt prompted to go to this one house in specific. We found a lady named Sherry who has in the last little while a lot of family pass away and just yesterday she has her brother pass away. She was super upset and was actually praying to God that he would give her a sign to give her comfort. So we showed up at her house and she let us in and we taught and testified of The Plan of Salvation! We power housed it and she accepted a baptismal date and it was awesome! The Spirit was sooooo strong :) it was a really cool experience of an answer to prayer! We also found some other people a man named Mike. On the Sunday the only person we had out at Church was Becky. But she brought Emma! I was so excited Emma came! But man i did not get anything out of the testimony meeting because i had to distract Emma and keep her still haha. I did it for a whole 30 mins by showing her pictures! It was a challenge but now i know that I can keep my own kids entertained! Well most of Sunday was snowing and the snow just poured down! It was crazy how much snow fell in so little amount of time but it keep going and did not stop till early this morning( Monday morning). We also trekked out to go teach someone later on that evening and we got another new investigator! It was a good, cold, freezing walk haha.
Well this was my week. I am loving it but it is really cold at night! It is the only bad part about being outside is the cold! But I am excited for the summer! Well till next week I bide you all adieu! Becky is getting baptized this week on Sunday :) we are so excited to have helped her to this point. She is getting her interview on Friday so we hope it will go well! I will send pictures next week of her baptism :) It will be awesome! We cannot wait for that Sunday I might even get to baptize her!
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