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Just joking. The new companion is fantastic! |
Hey everyone!
Sorry for no weekly letter last week! I
do apologize. The computers were down all day so we were unable to
email. It is good to finally be able to email again! Well That past week
was not bad. It was Elder Koceja last week with me in Windsor. He is
now in Brampton North. I have gotten a new companion named Elder Hewitt.
He is English with a killer accent. He is an awesome missionary. He is
super bold and just an all around good guy. He is eating me out of house
and home though haha.
Oh well.
So it has been snowing a lot in Windsor.
We had reports of freezing rain storms occurring but we dodge them down
here in Windsor. There has been some super cold days and some actually
pretty nice days. All the snow is gone now and it is beautiful outside.
We have been doing a lot of tracting this past week. We have found a lot
of new people to teach and help come unto Christ. We tracted some of my
first apartment buildings which was a different and scary experience.
Usually all good rejection stories of missionaries come from
tracting/proselyting in them.
In our teaching pool we have Becky. It
has been cool to have found her my second week here and then be with her
till now. She is awesome! She is preparing for baptism on January 12
and is planning her on baptism. She has given up coffee and smoking and
is striving to keep the word of Wisdom! It is so cool to see the changes
people make in their life through the Atonement. I have loved teaching
Becky and I am excited to see her get baptized.
Next is Matt. He is a
Part member family. He has been investigating the church since 2004. He
has lost some of his desire to know if what we share is true or not. But
we are going to help him come to a knowledge of what we share. He is
being a little stubborn because he is denying himself the blessing of an
eternal family and marriage because of his lack of desire. It gets me
going erg. haha He is a super nice guy though.
Then we have a member in
our ward Shawna, who referred us her Bro. We had a lesson with him this
past week and he is super prepared. He is seeking for the greater truth
and knowledge this gospel can bring and has agreed to be baptized! His
only concern is his mom as he is under age. But we will pray for her
heart to be softened.
Then we have Manuel who we OYM into and he is
super kind and is Arabic. He is Christian and has studied a lot of
religion. He was super exciting to met with us! He is preparing for
baptism too this transfer. He was so happy we did not believe in the
trinity that he gave us 7 -up! haha
Next we got another referral from a
member in Leamington. So last night we went to go stop by and his name
is Wayne. He was super surprised at how soon we came. He let us right in
and we talked for awhile and we taught him about the saviors atonement
and introduced the Book of Mormon. It was a power house spiritual lesson.
We have had some awesome blessings of finding some super cool and nice
people well opening our mouths on the streets and all. We have been
blessed down here in Windsor North for sure! I am loving missionary work
:) it is a blast! I encourage all to share the joy and blessing they
have seen and had with all their friends!
Well that is my week. It is short sweet and simple
:). I will say this that some people are super nice in Windsor. But some
people can be very rude. So my mission is testing my temperament and
helping me develop greater Christ-like attributes. I would never trade
my mission for anything. I love the people of Windsor! We are going to
tear it up down here. Elder Hewitt and I have been growing on one
another and sometimes I feel like I am slipping into a english accent
haha. I will miss Elder Koceja but it has been swell! Well till next
week! Merry Christmas! And a Happy New year!
Elder Sopal!
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