This week has been pretty decent. So my favourite passage of scriptures is Mosiah 24. It is the Chapter that talks about how people were put under oppression by the King at the time where they could not pray unto God. But instead of just praying they poured their hearts out to the Lord. He did indeed come to them in their afflictions and he did make their burdens become light. There is an awesome quote that I love, it goes " I've often wanted to say that Jesus Christ never lords over us but under us. He comes down and lifts from below." I know that when we come unto Christ we can be strengthened to face our trails and afflictions as the people of Alma. This week we had a super spiritual experience with Becky and this chapter. We have helped her to move forward from her stress and worries and re commit to be baptised on January 26. We are so excited for this date as it is the Sunday of transfer calls. I really do hope to see her enter the waters of baptism and start a new. Becky is doing awesome though. She has been reading and praying everyday. She is coming so far along and seeing the blessings of follow the Saviour's example in her life.
This past week was Zone Training. It was pretty awesome. We got challenged to not let a single person walk by us for the rest of our mission! It will be hard but we have been doing awesome so far. We are to talk to at least 20 people a day now. We also received instruction on how to help people see the blessings of living commandments and helping them recognize the Spirit. As we know that the Spirit will speak to us in many ways. It can be a burning warm feeling, a still small voice, feelings of peace, joy, love, long-suffering, gentleness, and etc. The Spirit will also lead us to do good and help us become more focused. The spirit is amazing! If we do truly seek an answer we will receive it even if it is a feeling of a stupor of thought can be an answer to a prayer. Ask yourselves how have you felt the Spirit? How do you recognize it? Have you felt it? What helps you to feel it more?
This week we killed it we found 10 new investigators! We tracked into a Philippino lady named Lani. She is so awesome she loved the idea of the Book of Mormon and thought that every nation back then should have a record of Holy Writings such as this Book and the Bible. She is going to come to Church next Sunday which will be awesome! We also met a guy named David! He was so funny. While we were teaching him he was like wow can we actually do that! Can God and Jesus Christ actually appear. He told us after we finished teaching that he wants to be baptised and wants to be a real Christian. He also wants to join an Orchestra! So we set him with a date however we found out his phone had been shut off so he missed church this Sunday :(. We were quite upset about that but oh well. Next Sunday! So after coming back from Zone Training we actually only had an hour to go tracting so we knocked around a little and then got let in and taught a family of 5! It was awesome! We set them with Baptismal dates and then hurried over to our dinner appts. we are having so much fun teaching people. I will say I am not a fan of finding but I love when we get to teach! Well this week was fun but not to much happened. Well we also found a lot of other people but we are waiting to see if they will progress so their names are Michael, Megan, Steph, Greg, Albert, Bashar, Christina, Emmon, and Sherry. Still doing great and enjoying the lovely cold weather we are having out here! We are getting so fit! I have lost a lot of weight haha. From walking and all that. Well this is all :) have an awesome week ! Cya all later!
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