Elder Joe by the Detroit River |
Last week was once again a slow week in all of Windsor :/ we are
all experiencing some problems with finding new investigators. This week
we started doing a lot of member work trying to be careful not to drink
the "devils kool aid" as our mission president put it. We visited a
awesome Less-active man that name is Bro. Nolan he is so cool! He is
what we call a mountain man. He has his house full of paintings and
tools and saws and guns all in his front living room haha. He is burely
and big. He has the biggest beard I have seen haha. He kind of looks
like a Santa Clause! I think every ward has one of those members that
looks like that haha. They are always so nice and Christ-like!
This past
week we have found some new investigators to teach actually which was
pretty cool! We came across a house full of 13 Jamaicans living
together. They are seasonal workers and are here for awhile! They are so awesome! The lessons with them have been going great! They love the
Book of Mormon and always give us Carrot Ginger Jucie haha! they are
some of the nicest people I have met! We are going to try to baptize the
house haha :P It should be fun next lesson we are going to pretty much
teach a class the lessons haha. They are all like "yea man, God is good
man!" I love how they talk haha.
Becky is our only notable investigator
who is showing progress! She is awesome! We are helping here come closer
to God as she is praying daily! She was nervous about opening up the
Book of Mormon but she is now reading from it! She loves the old english
style of it! It is so awesome! She is now reading a lot and enjoying
it! She feels the Spirit every lesson and this Sunday she is coming to
Church! The progress has been amazing that she has made and her daughter
sees the change in her.
On the missionary front we now have a functioning
ward missionary leader who is so awesome! He is a PMG mission leader and
is helping to increase the work here in Windsor! So we are so excited!
Alright well here are the stories from the week :).
this week we biked in a lot of rain and cold weather! The cold is
finally here and might be here to stay haha. Yesterday we went out to
Remembrance day with the Stake President Sandor! He is super cool and
super accomplished. We attended the ceremony here and saw the cannons
fire and the planes fly over head! It was so cool to go and see all the
people there! It was a neat experience and good way to just put our name
out in the community that we support those people who serve and have
served. We went for lunch at a chinese place after and it was delicious.
I am loving the food here in Windsor! I am becoming a pro at using chop
sticks haha. After that we went out and went dropping by some of our
members till later afternoon and as we were heading back out it started
to snow like crazy here! The hard stuff that is like frozen rain haha!
Try riding a bike into that! It was a blast and a half! We were soaked
to our bone, our hands were cold, our feet were cold, our bodies cold.
Later that evening we went back out and as we were riding our gears on
our bikes started to freeze! Even our brakes started to freeze which
made a good time for trying not to get hit by cars and jazz haha. So ya
that was quite eventful! It is aweful to ride bikes when it is so cold
but hey we are doing the work of salvation :P It comes at a cost I guess
haha. So that was a fun experience.
Apparently Elder Koceja does not care for the Canadiens hockey team?? |
Well After daily planning Elder Koceja and I decided
to have what we call a freeze out. It is something that i guess crazy
missionaries do for fun haha. So we left the back porch door open all
night and slept like that haha. It was so freezing cold but so much fun!
I actually slept so good! We had also a movie night till bed time we
watch The John Tanner Story! It is so good I would recommend it to
anyone to watch! We made big bowls of popcorn and sat back and relaxed!
It was awesome haha. Then we endured the long cold night and I woke up
at 430 and was like man I am freezing chucked on a sweater and closed
the door haha Elder Koceja said I did not endure haha and compared it to
the judgement seat of God haha and that I could not say I endured my
whole life.
It was a good week and a good night :) Well that is our week
and it was quite slow but still good :) My testimony is growing every
day and every day I am learning to teach people more by the Spirit its
awesome! I love being out here on my mission :) Thank you all for the
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